Photosynthetic Protein Complexes : A Structural Approach
This book is an essential tool for comprehensive understanding of Photosynthesis, and is aimed at a very broad audience. Readers from high - school level to engineers working on bioenergy conversion, as well as experts in Photosynthesis, will enjoy reading it, with the beautiful and fascinating structures of the protein complexes shown in full color, and all color fi gures directly included in the text. Another very important feature is that it is designed as a teaching tool. It is accompanied by a website, at www.wiley - - 3 - 527 - 31730 - 1 , where all fi gures from the book are freely accessible and can be downloaded without any password protection. The fi gures can be directly used for lectures and teaching in the classroom. The website is constantly updated with new animations and fi gures. In addition, abstracts of all the chapters are freely accessible, and individual chapters can be downloaded, using a pay - per - view option, from the publisher ’ s website at .
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