Encyclopedic Dictionary of Plant Breeding and Related Subjects
Asacomplexsubject,plantbreedingmakesuseofmanyscientificandtechnologicaldisciplines,suchasagronomy,horticulture,forestry,seedproduction, genetics, molecular genetics, biotechnology, biochemistry, mutagenesis, populationgenetics,biometry,botany,cytology,cytogenetics,ecology,plantevolution or genetic conservation, and laboratory technologies. Often it is difficult toknowtheprecisemeaningofmanytermsandtoaccuratelyinterpretspecific concepts of plant breeding. Most dictionaries and glossaries available are highly specific or fragmentary. Until now, no attempt has been made to provideacomprehensivecompilationofplantbreedingterms.Thisdictionaryincludes the specific terms of plant breeding and terms that are adjusted from other disciplines. Moreover, the intent was to create a book that includes not only present terms, but also some terms used during the long history of plant breeding. In addition, this book offers most of the words used by a plant breeder and seed producer together in one source. In order to also serve students, teachers, and research workers, the book is supplemented with breeding schemes, tables, examples, and a list of crop plants, including a few details. Completenesscouldnotbeachieved.Themodernsubjects,suchasbiotechnology, molecular genetics, cytogenetics, and genetic engineering, were includedasfaraspossible.Selectionwasmadeonthebasisoftheauthor’sexperienceandhisknowledgeofthebreeder’srequirements.Thisisamodesteffort to serve the scientific community. Plant breeding is a rapidly developing subject, particularly through the achievementsofmoderngeneticsandgeneticengineering.Therefore,thedefinitionsordescriptionsgivenheremaysubsequentlybemodified.Theauthor, therefore,acceptsnoresponsibilityforthelegalvalidity,accuracy,adequacy, orinterpretationofthetermsgiveninthisbook.Suggestionsorerrorsbrought to his attention will be considered whenever possible.
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