Gaya APA

Jansen, Kees, MUHAMMAD RIFA, HUBERTUS HARDI UMBU LAIYA DAMANAHU/12158, Ir. Sundoro Sastrowiratmo, MP, Sietze Vellema. (2004). Agribusiness and society . London: Zed Books.

Gaya Chicago

Jansen, Kees, MUHAMMAD RIFA, HUBERTUS HARDI UMBU LAIYA DAMANAHU/12158, Ir. Sundoro Sastrowiratmo, MP, Sietze Vellema. Agribusiness and society. London: Zed Books, 2004. Budidaya Pertanian.

Gaya MLA

Jansen, Kees, MUHAMMAD RIFA, HUBERTUS HARDI UMBU LAIYA DAMANAHU/12158, Ir. Sundoro Sastrowiratmo, MP, Sietze Vellema. Agribusiness and society. London: Zed Books, 2004. Budidaya Pertanian.

Gaya Turabian

Jansen, Kees, MUHAMMAD RIFA, HUBERTUS HARDI UMBU LAIYA DAMANAHU/12158, Ir. Sundoro Sastrowiratmo, MP, Sietze Vellema. Agribusiness and society. London: Zed Books, 2004. Budidaya Pertanian.